Fruit and Walnut Salad

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As much as I have a hard time staying away from cupcakes and cookies. This is my FAVORITE Secret Weapon to take my mind off of choosing those so often!

As a start to 2016, I have bought a bunch of nuts, fruits, and yogurt to itch my sweet and salty cravings.

Hopefully you’ll give this a try too! Good source of dietary fiber. Low sodium. A little over 200 calories. Yes, Yes, and Yes! :-D

This is my favorite Go-To Snack. Especially during the month of January, when New Year Resolutions to be Healthier are in full effect!

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Summer seems so much easier to whip out the healthier choices then when its freezing cold out and comfort food begins to take over.

I used to LOVE going to a certain fast food chain to buy a cute little package filled with apples yogurt and walnuts! 

It was very over priced and I bought them often when I needed something sweet and creamy and crunchy all together!

Now I have a simple solution… Buy those ingredients and make as many as you want for way cheaper! Duh!

Not only do I save money, I have control over the ingredients being as natural as my little heart desires!

Bonus: Children LOVE it!! No fork Required! Finger Licking Good, and Teaches Healthy Snacking!

I keep this recipe simple by mixing up a few fruits: Apples of any kind (get creative and use sweet and tart varieties!), Blackberries… but you can easily add or subtract with a handful of halved seedless grapes.

I also like to throw in dried fruits such as raisins. But of course cranberries are just as wonderful! Even chopped prunes or dates!

Top with some 0% Vanilla Yogurt or Low-Fat Vanilla Yogurt (save as many calories as possible for dinner! :-D)

Finish with an incredibly easy, mouth watering, golden and crunchy candied walnut!

This Go-To Healthy Snack is so simple and delicious!

If you are ever feeling a not so healthy craving and want to satisfy it with HEALTHIER options. This is a chart (Pictured below) to help you Identify the cravings you have with Healthier Snacking Solutions!

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Candied Walnuts-

1 teaspoon coconut oil

1 teaspoon honey

2 tablespoons granulated sugar

1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/4 teaspoon Cinnamon

1/8 salt -a pinch of salt

3/4 cup coarsely chopped walnuts


Fruit Salad-

4 Apples, Cored and Sliced (Granny Smith, Honey Crisp, Golden Delicious, Gala, Etc.)

2 teaspoons Lemon Juice (keeps apples from browning)

1/3 Cup Blackberries

1/4 cup Raisins

3/4 Cup 0% Fat Vanilla Yogurt (Low-Fat, Greek, Etc.)



  1. Combine coconut oil, honey, sugar, and salt in a medium skillet over medium heat.
  2. When the mixture begins to bubble, add walnuts, vanilla, and cinnamon then begin to stir constantly until the walnuts begin to caramelize
  3. Quickly turn off the heat and keep stirring so walnuts won't burn.
  4. After stirring the nuts for a couple of minutes (till a deep caramel color appears). Pour the walnuts onto a plate or glass bowl (NOT Plastic). 
  5. Toss the candied walnuts so they won't stick together as they cool and harden
  6. Immediately after slicing apples, dip the slices into lemon juice to keep from browning
  7. Once nuts are cooled serve fruit salad ingredients Blended or Separately
  8. Enjoy!




  1. Mix sliced apples, blackberries, raisins, and yogurt together. 
  2. Top with candied walnuts


  1. Serve sliced apples, blackberries, and raisins with a side of yogurt & candied walnuts



  • Once you see a little smoking from the walnuts, this is a sure sign to turn the heat off
  • You can use all sorts of fruit : Red Seedless Grapes, bananas, blueberries, etc.
  • 1 apple should yield about 18 slices give or take.
  • You may use any flavored yogurt your prefer, options are endless!
  • For 4 separate servings: 15 slices of apple, 10 blackberries, 3 tbls. of yogurt and 3 tbls. of candied walnuts

I’m making sure to keep the healthy snacks in my possession this new years. What healthy snacks are you munching on often!?