D.I.Y. Graham Cracker Crust


There are so many things in life that make me feel clever or smart, and they can be the simplest things. In my opinion, its awesome to have the little things make you feel big. 

Making any type of recipe that involves using a pie pan makes me feel like that. Graham Cracker Crust is no exception. Every time I see graham cracker crust when strolling through the baking isle, I see the price and realize how many crust I can make myself for the price of one! It's a very rewarding feeling to know exactly how they made that crust. Now that can be you!


I personally prefer to dirty up my food processor. Leaving me to clean it up instead of putting my two hands to work when dealing with crusts. But YOU totally can skip using up the electric bill and use a large plastic baggie. Crush the graham crackers inside the bag with a rolling pin until the cracker become fine crumbs. Mix those together with all the other ingredients and have only one bowl to clean.

Theres like 4 parts and only three can end up in the dishwasher, blah blah blah, I'm just really lazy when it comes to dishes. You also? Awesome! lol made me feel better to pretend for a second that 4 parts was a lot to add to the dishwasher.

I come from a family that never whipped out the fine china for parties or get togethers in the past. There was always paper plates of all colors, shapes, and sizes. We would talk about the new colors they came in. Those were our "fine plastic"! Now I try to get my family to try to be a tad bit classier on the dish ware when breaking bread together.

Maybe because I secretly want to take pictures and post them on here for the world to see. Now my family gets the royal treatment, win/win I would say. No matter what kinds of dishes pile up or what plates are being used. This graham cracker crust will happily make any surface its home for your enjoyment. 


This is my go-to Classic Graham Cracker Crust. I use it for my Easy Chocolate Pudding Pie, Cheesecakes, and my summer favorite Strawberry Margherita Pie! You can use a graham cracker crust for whatever recipe you want! Keep certain things simple and sweet and you'll most likely be less tempted to buy the store-bought chemical items!


1 1/2 cup of graham cracker crumbs (about 11-12 graham cracker sticks)

1 teaspoon cinnamon

6 tablespoons of butter, melted

1/2 cup sugar

1 tablespoon water



  1. Pulse graham crackers till crumbled finely in a food processor or blender
  2. Add sugar and cinnamon into graham cracker crumbs, until well blended
  3. Blend melted butter and water into crumb mixture till it becomes holdable in clumps (more water might be necessary, add a teaspoon at a time, do not over water) 
  4. Press mixture evenly (sides and bottom) into an 8 or 9 inch pie plate.
  5. Bake at 350 degrees (for a No-Bake recipe) for 8 minutes. Let cool for 5 min
  6. If an unbaked pie shell is needed simply chill crust in refrigerator for 1 hour instead 

Storage Ideas- Wrap baked graham cracker crust in foil and store in freezer. Crust can be frozen for up to three months!

50 degrees F = 190 degrees C